The fourth Thursday of every month at the Harrison District Library at 1:00 PM a book discussion group gathers to discuss the book of the month. Participants discuss and enjoy thought provoking, stimulating discussion with other interested adults. They welcome new members! The group members select the book which will be read each month, and each member’s input is valued. It is a wonderful way to try new authors or genres you might not normally select.
Selections in the past have included best sellers, such as HOTEL AT THE CORNER OF BITTER AND WEET, PILLARS OF THE EARTH, and WATER FOR ELEPHANTS; classics such as JANE EYRE and A FARWELL TO ARMS; controversial novels such as THE SHACK and MY SISTER’S KEEPER; and just plain inspirational novels such as SARAH’S KEY and HOPE IN THE UNSEEN. A willingness to share ideas as well as to listen to ideas which may differ from your own assures a successful discussion.
Please call the library (539-6711) if you would like to inter-loan a copy of the next book for you so you will be ready to share your ideas and insights or just to listen on the last Wednesday of the month.